
Men’s Huddle

Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
Whether you're navigating friendships, balancing family life, climbing the career ladder or seeking your purpose, the Men’s Huddle equips you with inspiration and insights to excel in your many roles...

Moms Connect: Teens & Tweens+

Leader(s): Lauren Sell & Kristin Miner
Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
Providing biblical truth and targeted discussions to equip moms as they navigate parenting pre-teen through college-age children.


Leader(s): Nancy Miller
Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
The quilters meet to serve the community by sewing quilts for those in need in the Wooddale community and various support ministries.

A Place at the Table (APATT)

Losing a spouse can leave you feeling overwhelmed and alone. But you don’t have to go through the journey alone. A Place at the Table (APATT) is a group of...

Stephen Ministry

Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
We all experience challenges in life — times when we need extra care and support. You don't have to be alone amid such a challenge. Wooddale’s Stephen Ministry is here...

Homebound Ministry

Even if you are unable to attend Wooddale Church physically, you are a valuable member of the church and can still experience fellowship and community with us. Let our Homebound...

Adult Sunday Class

Leader(s): Dr. Michael Wise
Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
This class is an in-depth study and application of the writings of Jesus’ brothers, James and Jude. The study will also follow the members of Jesus’ family through the second...

Connect 55+

Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
Discover a vibrant community with Connect 55+! Whether you're a couple, single, divorced, widow or widower in your late 50s to early 70s, you'll find a warm and welcoming group...

Parenting Teens and Tweens

Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
Get support and encouragement from other parents of teens and tweens. The time includes teaching in parenting, marriage and spiritual growth with opportunities to talk with, learn from and pray...


Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
A place for all ages and life stages to gather together for interactive discussion of God’s Word, serving with and encouraging one another.

New Horizons

Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
Senior Adults (60-70 years old) who connect by developing relationships through interactive teaching facilitated by class members, Bible study, fellowship, prayer and serving here, near and far.

Parents of Young Families

Eden Prairie Campus 6630 Shady Oak Rd, Eden Prairie, MN
A group designed to encourage and equip parents as they lead their children along the path to knowing God and His Word. The time includes interactive teaching and praying for...