Join us for fun, fellowship and a hearty breakfast as we kickoff men’s ministries. Get an overview of the men’s ministry opportunities at Wooddale, such as Saturday morning Bible Study, Men’s Huddle and TopGolf.
Saturday | 8- 10 a.m.
Speaker: David Mclver
David McIver is the Executive Director of PraiseLive Radio, which includes FM signals in the upper Midwest, Africa and the Middle East. The purpose of PraiseLive is for every tribe and nation to experience Jesus together. David and his wife, Sherrie, served with Baseball Chapel and the Minnesota Twins for 14 seasons. David is the author of “Looking for the One,” a collection of short stories about people experiencing Jesus in grocery stores, hospitals and dugouts. Each story equips you to walk with Jesus as he looks for the One through you. David’s mission is to equip followers of Jesus to look for the One.