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Sarah’s Laughter

September 9, 2024 - June 2, 2025

This event is open to registration.

We’re hosting the Twin Cities chapter of Sarah’s Laughter, a Christian faith-based infertility and pregnancy loss support group. Any woman struggling through infertility, second infertility, adoption, miscarriage or stillbirth is welcome. You do not need to be a member of Wooddale to join. This group will help to support any woman through what can be a very lonely and challenging journey.

Each session will start with a short Bible study related to themes encountered on the infertility and loss journey. No preparation is needed. Then, we will open the discussion to share (or not share if you’re not ready) your personal experiences and prayer requests.

Feel welcome to bring your own dinner; snacks will be provided.

First Monday of every month (excluding the first session on September 9) | 5:30 – 7 p.m.