Wooddale Church
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Homebound Ministry

September 15, 2024 - December 31, 2025

Even if you are unable to attend Wooddale Church physically, you are a valuable member of the church and can still experience fellowship and community with us. Let our Homebound Ministry bring the church to you!

You will enjoy spending time with one of Wooddale’s Homebound caring Visitors, praying together, reading Scripture and receiving communion. Many people have built a special bond with those who visit them. And, it’s just as enjoyable for us, too!

If you or someone you care about would like to stay connected with Wooddale and would welcome a Homebound Visitor, please email our Pastoral Care team.


Make a gospel impact and live out your faith by serving others who cannot physically attend Wooddale as a Homebound Ministry volunteer. Email our Pastoral Care team for more information.