Family praying



Whether you want to learn to apply spiritual gifts in prayer or struggle to discern God’s voice, the Teach Us to Pray video series will help. Ask a friend, family member or LifeGroup and dig in together.  


No matter how mature we are as believers, the spiritual battle each day is real and persistent. The good news is that Jesus came to destroy the work of the enemy. In the seven-session “Victorious Prayer” training, you’ll learn five prayer power tools to help you live in victory. Email us to learn more or request copies of the booklet


God made each of your kids to be unique. They will relate to God differently depending on things like interests, personality, spiritual gifts and life experiences. Take some time as a family this month to discuss these questions:

  1. What is your favorite way to talk with God?
  2. When is the last time you knew God answered a prayer or was at work in our family?
  3. When it’s hard to pray or hear from God, why do you think that is?
  4. How can our family best support the different ways God made us to pray?

Prayer Starter Kit for Families

If your family could use some practical help in developing a thriving prayer life, click on the button below to get started.


“Teach Us to Pray” is for groups, families, or friends who want to know how God shaped them for prayer and want to overcome common obstacles to a thriving prayer life. In this 6-session interactive experience, you’ll grow together and learn to help others grow in prayer too.

Prayer becomes much more enjoyable and effective when we come alongside others. Ask God to show you who to share this class material with next.

Questions? Email us for help and additional resources.