Wooddale Church

Chris Matthew’s Story

After graduating from high school and leaving for college, I slowly began drifting away from my faith. Distractions like school and work took priority over God. Many of the habits I’d built up—reading the Word, praying regularly and engaging in community with other believers—had faded away. I was left feeling lonely and confused. My overall attitude had changed completely. I became shorter with the people around me, I cut myself off from friends and family, and I felt increasingly more hopeless about where my life was going. There were nights I would go to bed and not sleep for hours, worrying about anything and everything. I’d reached my limit. I began to accept this was the way my life would be forever.

But then Jesus began to make His presence and goodness known to me. I started noticing all the ways I’d been protected from harm and placed in situations for my own good, even when I’d rejected Him and wanted to do things my own way. I could feel myself being drawn back to Him. Over time, I’ve seen how the Lord has been with me, helping and blessing me with more than I could have ever hoped or imagined. I can say with confidence that I trust Him with everything and I’m never alone. And now, I’m serving at church as an outward response to the Lord’s goodness, and experiencing the His favor in a completely new and exciting way! -Chris

Feeling alone? Hopeless? Overridden by anxiety or distant from God? There’s hope and healing here! Visit to learn more.