Wooddale Vlog

Posts by Wooddale Church

enCourage Kindness – Part 3

It’s time to forgive yourself for that unkind moment. We all have days we wish we could redo. A harsh word spoken in anger. Being too busy to help someone who needs us. A careless opinion posted on social media. Kindness comes in the opposite spirit and reveals the heart of Jesus. He knows what each of us is like apart from…

enCourage Kindness – Part 2

It makes a way instead of blocking the way. Kindness serves. It comes with action. It’s the neighbor who shovels your driveway when you’re away for the weekend. It’s the coffee your co-worker buys when he knows you’re having a tough morning. It’s the friend who chooses to forgive instead of holding an offense against you. Kindness is also a mindset. Paul…

enCourage Kindness – Part 1

He’s full of compassion in the midst of your pain. What word would you say sums up the world today? Whatever it is, kind probably didn’t top your list. Even people in the Church can be cruel and divisive, firing flaming darts at each other instead of collaborating in love. Yet kindness is a promised fruit of the Spirit that shows people…

enCourage Patience – Part 3

He steers us back to the wisdom of his word until it becomes who we are. One definition of patience is “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.” According to that definition, how patient are you feeling these days? Think about what requires the most amount of patience from you when it’s hardest to…

enCourage Patience – Part 2

He has all the time in the world. Have you ever noticed that God’s timing is not the same as yours? It can be hard to understand why our prayers aren’t answered in visible ways the moment we send them up. After all, it’s no problem for God to get you a new job, or spouse, or baby. He has all the…

enCourage Patience – Part 1

He knows what we struggle with and how long we’ve struggled. If you’ve ever trained a puppy, you know about patience. The good news is that puppies in the early weeks of life are hard-wired to follow their pack leader. They want to please us and to do what’s asked of them. It just takes these furry companions a minute to figure…