Wooddale Church
Wooddale Vlog

Posts by Wooddale Church (Page 2)

enCourage Peace – Part 3

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. What was Jesus referring to when he said this to his followers? He was talking about a time when people would kill Christians thinking they’re doing a service for God. It would be a time of sin running rampant in the world. A time of unbelief, and a…

enCourage Peace – Part 2

There’s a trustworthy source of peace we can bank on in the days ahead. We live in uncertain times. All around us it appears God is shaking what can be shaken so that which is of him remains (Hebrews 12:26-27). Take finances, for instance. If inflation, economic instability or supply chain issues have not touched your life in the past three years,…

enCourage Peace – Part 1

He has the power to deliver you out of the storm. What makes you anxious? Maybe it’s the news on social media, or the economy. Maybe it’s rising global tensions and uncertainty about the future. Or a painful fracture in a close relationship. Whatever it is, God already knows about it and offers you peace in the midst of it. He says,…

enCourage Joy – Part 3

Did he get up each morning wondering if that would be the day? Hope deferred makes the heart sick. And longing fulfilled is like a tree of life (Proverbs 13:12). We all know what it feels like to wait for a promise to be fulfilled. Some are small, such as when our spouse says, “I promise to pick up the groceries on…

enCourage Joy – Part 2

It’s an eternal well connected people know how to access. A joyful shout erupts when the football team wins. A child squeals with delight at the sight of a new puppy. Tears of joy mark a reunion of beloved friends. Yet there’s a deeper, more lasting joy available to us every day. Psalm 100 captures the essence of it: Shout for joy to…

enCourage Joy – Part 1

The joyful ones let go of what was to embrace what could be. Some of the older men wept as they watched the foundation of the new building being laid. These guys had been around to see the splendor of Solomon’s temple, and they must have wondered if the new one would live up to memory. They could remember the good old…