Wooddale Church
Wooddale Vlog

Posts by Wooddale Church (Page 8)

Let’s Get Logical | September 12, 2021

This week’s action item: As Pastor Dale suggested in this week’s message, listen to the heart of God by reading the book of 1 John. Read one chapter a day. Listen for the heart of God. Then journal what He’s telling you about how He thinks and feels about you, and pray it back to Him. Listen for commands He wants you…

Who Does God Say You Are?

By Barb Zeller You are: His child: God’s son or daughter, an heir to His inheritance Created for good works: With gifts and abilities available for you to bless others Confident: To live boldly, assured of who you are in Christ Complete in Christ: Because God has made you whole, with nothing lacking Chosen: Selected by God for His plans and purposes Cherished: Held dear, protected and lovingly…


By Megan Remer Your identity goes deep. By definition, it is who you are. Yet most people probably don’t even know what they would say if someone asked. One might say their name. If pushed they might go a little further and say what they do for a living, but it’s not every day that one really reaches beneath the surface to…

Bible Reading Plan

One of best ways to grow in your relationship with Jesus is to spend time reading the Bible. Don’t have a Bible? We would be happy to provide you with one. Just contact the church office at 952-944-6300. If you want a Bible right away, you can download a free copy of the Bible for your mobile device at Here is a…