Wooddale Church

Carol’s Story

After 20 years of serving on staff at Wooddale, I’ll be retiring on May 31, 2021. God brought me to Wooddale as a broken, “cracked pot” after going through a difficult divorce from a 26-year marriage. He used Wooddale to redefine my life through missions and serving our global partner missionaries who live and work here, near and far. At that time, I thought He couldn’t use me but in His goodness, He did! God worked through others to equip me for the role, like how to turn on—and use—a computer, while teaching me how to care for global partner missionaries. He taught me about other cultures. He taught me how to PRAY for them. He taught me about how they understand God. And He taught me how to share Jesus in their culture. God has been so good to me! Through each season, my purpose seems to continue changing—when I got divorced, when I started my role at Wooddale and now, as I retire.

After retirement, I’ve been invited to join a school of missions in Germany for the summer, working alongside one of our global partner missionaries. I would love to do this but like many others, I’m waiting on God to open the borders so I can go. His Word tells me in Matthew 6:33 to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added as well.” So I am! I’m seeking Him, waiting on Him and trusting Him as I watch my next chapter unfold. -Carol

God has created you, like Carol, with a unique purpose in mind. And here at Wooddale, we want to help you discover it! Visit to get started.