Wooddale Church

Update from Pastor Dale: Saturday, March 21

Dear Church Family,

Imagine worshipping in a long narrow room next to a slow flowing river full of sewage and debris. Most of us would choose not to attend, but believers here in Katmandu can’t stay away!

The team and I visited this church plant with over fifty in attendance. Their worship was exuberant to say the least. Whatever discomfort we felt sitting on the floor soon disappeared as we wondered at their joy. We even got used to the smell — well, not completely!

It is in these settings that I am always reminded how blessed we are in the States with all the conveniences that we have. Here in Katmandu and throughout Nepal and India there is no large church that can come in and provide for the churches. The pastors and the people face much hardship including the risk of being disinherited by their families for leaving their religion to follow Jesus. There are nearly four million people who live in Katmandu and believers make up a very tiny fraction of the population. Will you please pray as we partner with the nationals to bring Christ to this city and throughout Nepal? Will you please pray for the efforts of TTI (Timothy and Titus Initiative) as they work tirelessly to help the nationals form strategy, accountability and biblical training? Will you consider how God can use you in Vision ’22 to help us reach not only those who are around the world with the gospel but also those right in our own back yard. We have a beautiful facility at Wooddale Eden Prairie; we need to turn it inside out and create a destination where Christianity meets the culture in community crossroad. Thanks in advance for what you will do.

For His Glory,
Pastor Dale