Wooddale Church

Vivian’s Story

I struggle daily with chronic depression. Wow, I really just wrote that. I’m still learning to accept this reality. I grew up in a Christian home and my extended family was always active at our church. I’m so grateful for that gift from God and I’m quite certain that’s why I’m still living today. That being said, talking about mental illness or depression was unacceptable. I remember my mother sharing that her pastor told her that her faith was weak if she was ill or depressed, or unhappy with her life as it was. The stigma kept my family silent about sharing their struggle. I followed that pattern too, until I learned more about mental illness.

Having understanding, knowledge and support from other Christians makes our shared faith in Jesus the power to keep on living each day by grace even with this illness. Support and prayer are some of the best gifts I’ve been given. There is hope (Hebrews 6:19). -Vivian

We have hope in Jesus! Take your next step toward healing. Visit to learn more.