
Steve’s Story

As a family member of someone with a mental health condition, I’ve often had more questions than answers: When is bad behavior caused by a mental health condition and when is it an expression of a sinful human heart? At what point am I enabling instead of helping? How do I best show patience, grace and compassion?

As the Lord helped me work through these questions, He providentially brought another person into my life: a young man in a group home with a mental health condition and addiction. One Sunday, I was speaking about hope from Romans 8. This gentleman heard me and after the devotional, approached me to tell me he had no hope. We became friends and began meeting regularly. Every time we met, we talked about the grace and forgiveness Christ offers but he never took the step to say “Yes!” to Jesus. Last year, my friend told me he finally did what I hoped he would do: receive Christ as his Lord and Savior. I may not have answers to all of my questions but one thing I’ve learned is that we are all called to share the Gospel with grace, patience and compassion.

Do you have a loved one living with a mental health condition? Discover hope, increase understanding of mental health conditions and treatment options, and connect with others in a confidential and structured setting. Visit to learn more.