Wooddale Church

Please Pray for Nepal and Our Partners

Please keep Nepal in your prayers.  Nepal is one area we are praying to see many churches start in the next seven year.  In addition to the April 25th earthquake, another big earthquake hit again and you may be seeing and hearing more news about Nepal on television, radio and social media.

We’ve held corporate prayer times at Wooddale on behalf of Nepal and ask you to keep the people of Nepal in your prayer.  From one of the Nepal leaders named, we learned about one of the students in the program.  The leader said, “Today I went to the OM Hospital Kathmandu to meet a student.  When she was running carrying her baby big rock fall from the hill and both her legs were broken.  After two days, she was brought to the hospital. The Hospital suggested to cut-off both legs and now she has lost both legs.  Please pray for her and family.  Also note her son in the picture with a broken leg!

Some of the funds Wooddale sent will go to her!  We will ensure that she receives follow up and will assist her in getting a wheelchair and help getting back started.  Life in the village with no legs is a difficult future!

Ways to pray for Nepal and our leaders on the ground:

  • God to be a refuge and strength and help in times of trouble (Psalms 46:1)
    • Pray for the injured (more than 10,000 and growing); the workers, the doctors and nurses and for miracle healings
    • For the families of those who perished
  • Please pray for the pastors and their families as they try to meet needs of others (supplying water, food, clothing, shelter (tents) and general comfort) while in the midst of the struggle themselves.
  • God’s grace and mercy to show through in time of need (Hebrews 4:16)
  • In this time of human tragedy, for God to receive glory and praise (1 Chronicles 16:25-26)
    • Pray against sickness and for miracles of disease not to spread; for openess to the hope of the gospel
  • For the peace of God which surpasses all of our human understanding (Phil 4:7)
    • Please pray that this peace will be upon the Pauls, the Timothys and the people with whom they come in contact. Shiva said that there have been at least 68 aftershocks!  Everyone is scared to go anywhere.  They are currently sleeping in the fields.
  • For integrity among the Nepalese government leaders, for armed forces leaders and leaders of relief organizations… that the money and help flowing into Nepal will be distributed appropriately.
  • For rebuilding – not dependence