Wooddale Church

Update from Pastor Dale (Friday, May 22, 2015)


Yesterday, I spoke to over five hundred students at a college and seminary. Students can take a three year nursing program which allows them to go to remote areas in this country and practice medicine. Students who feel led to become pastors can take courses to earn a B.A. in Theology, all the way up to a M.Div or a D.Min. degree.

Unfortunately, the school has been under great persecution. In 2008, rioters attacked the school forcing the students to flee for their lives. Recently, another Christian group has tried to take over and change the vision of the school. Sadly, this group of believers made false accusations against the school and its leadership; as a result of that the government locked down most of the buildings. We had to climb through a window to get into the rooms that were not locked down. The good news is that yesterday as I was speaking to the group, they received a phone call from a judge who decided that the school can no longer be locked up and that the leadership is free and clear to move forward with their vision. The churches who caused the trouble have lost their case.

As I listened to the whole story my heart was sickened with how Christians behave towards each other What kind of witness is this to an unbelieving world? Why do we sabotage the work of God when we don’t get our own way?

It was clear that God had an encouraging word for the school. Before I knew any of their circumstances I had chosen to speak on the life of Joseph. My four closing points were:

  1. Joseph always trusted in the sovereignty of God so we too can trust God in hard times, knowing that he is in control.
  2. Joseph was always faithful to God no matter what the circumstances were so we too can be faithful to God no matter what we face.
  3. Joseph always gave God his best no matter if he was a slave, a prisoner or second in command of Egypt. We too should always give our best to God regardless of our circumstances.
  4. When Joseph had an opportunity to seek revenge he forgave, we too must avoid bitterness and be forgiving.

This student quoted from memory the whole scene of Jesus death on the cross.


Please continue to pray for God to use the team.

From the Field,
Pastor Dale