Wooddale Church

Vision ’22 “Far” Update

Wooddale Worldwide is the missions arm of Wooddale Church. Wooddale Worldwide has partners Here, Near and Far that share the saving grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. As part of Vision ’22, we hope to plant 4,000 or more churches in an area of the world that has 330 million people with less than 1% Christian.

Partnering alongside of The Timothy Initiative, we are teaching and training Pauls and Timothys to reach their people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Below is really exciting news!  Prior to embarking on the seven year vision, we prayed over and created a plan with various numerical ranges of the number of Pauls and Timothys that would be a part of the first group (2015/16), and each subsequent group.

In our first report, the following numbers are on the “highest” end of our forecasted range for the first group.  Praise God!

Currently there are 78 Pauls and 1255 Timothys in this effort:

  • Areas 1 and 2 covering 30 million people: 26 Pauls & 450 Timothys
  • Area 3 covering 170 million people: 23 Pauls & 350 Timothys
  • Areas 4 and 5 covering 130 million people: 29 Pauls & 455 Timothys

In terms of projections:  when all is “shaken out” in the next few months we will likely settle on 60-70 Paul’s with roughly 750-1,000 Timothys. Please pray that each Paul and Timothy will stay in the program and that each Timothy will plant a church. Pray that the Holy Spirit will go before them as they share Jesus.

Who is overseeing the Pauls and Timothys – this fine group of people in the picture below!

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Note: The country names and individual names are not identified for privacy purposes. You can hear about them in live Worship services or other meetings where Vision ’22 updates are discussed.

Thanks, Wooddalers, for making all of our Worldwide Missions efforts happen through your generosity to the Worldwide Fund and Vision ’22.


Richard Payne, Worldwide Missions Pastor