Wooddale Church
Wooddale Vlog

Posts by Wooddale Church (Page 10)

Building Spiritual Muscle

By Barb Zeller There it was in black and white: my fitness assessment. Looking my personal trainer in the eye, her good questions prompted soul-searching answers. For the next six months, my trainer used my words to keep me motivated, accountable and encouraged. She offered tips on nutrition, working and resting muscle groups—and most importantly—the reality that changing from fat to muscle…

Faith is…

Here is the wisdom from Pastor Dale about faith from last weekend’s message: –          Faith is strengthened when placed in God alone. –          Faith is strengthened when there is no wavering between divided loyalties. –          Faith is strengthened when we focus on finishing well instead of chasing our desires. –          Faith is strengthened when we believe God has our best in mind. –          Faith is strengthened when…

When God Calls

By Lee Ranney Lives throughout West Africa are being changed because Sam Dunya is obeying God’s call. Sam grew up in Ghana, West Africa, the grandson of a village chief. In Ghana, a village chief is responsible for upholding and enforcing the worship of ancestors and idols. Sam’s father was next in line to become the chief, but he ran away instead…

Meet Me at the Mountain

By Barb Zeller You have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bore you on eagles’ wings and brought you to Myself. Now therefore, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My covenant, then you shall be a special treasure to Me above all people; for all the earth is Mine. And you shall be to Me…

Pastor Dale’s Sermon Application

Here are the application points Pastor Dale mentioned in the sermon May 18-19: If you and I want to experience the presence of God, we need to demonstrate our need for God. You cannot meet God on your own terms. It has to be by His design. You encounter God when you move towards Him in obedience. There is no other way to…