Wooddale Church

Lindsey’s Story

I received a late-night phone call from my dad that knocked the wind out of me. My mom had a stroke and because of an existing heart condition, was being rushed into surgery. Time wasn’t on her side. My husband and I couldn’t go to the hospital due to COVID restrictions. Grabbing my women’s small group study book, I started skimming my notes from the week and we immediately started praying.

For the first time in my life, I felt prepared for this storm. I’d been studying the armor of God, specifically Ephesians 6:15, which talks about “the shoes of peace.” I was confident His peace would help me fly above the ever-changing seasons and storms of life (like eagles use the wind to fly above storms). God was in this storm with me. He saw my tears. He heard my prayers. So I prayed harder than I’ve ever prayed in my life. And when I wanted to quit praying as midnight turned to 1 a.m., I heard Him say, “Really? Can’t you stay awake and pray with Me?” (Matthew 26:40) The next morning, God had never seemed SO BIG and SO REAL. For the next several days I praised God through worship music in the car, tears of thankfulness streaming down my face. “What are you doing, Mom?” my son would ask. “I’m praising God because He is so good, honey.” My mom had recovered. Praise Him! -Lindsey

Have you had seasons of being on your knees, praying God hears your cries? Walking alongside other women as you study Scripture together can prepare and equip you for life’s ups and downs. Visit to learn more about classes, events and opportunities that will both challenge and encourage you in your daily walk with Christ.