Wooddale Church

Update from Pastor Dale: Wednesday, March 18


Today, March 18, we had a chance to visit a training site for Timothys. Timothys are believers who have the potential to become church planters. In this picture you see a true Timothy! He is sixteen years old and only a few months into the faith. He has led fifteen people to Christ so far! His story is, “I’ve found the true and living God.” When he witnesses, he tells people that Jesus actually changes a person, unlike the idols that his former religion points people to. You may think, “Isn’t he a bit too young to plant a church?” Remember the early church, all those new believers were young in the faith, but their obedience to the Word of God given to them by the Apostles and their trust in the power of the Holy Spirit made up for their ignorance. This young man is being mentored by a seasoned Paul every week for several hours in the training center which is also a church of about seventy or eighty believers, many of them new to faith in Jesus Christ.

Pastor Richard and I also had several opportunities to pray over individuals who were asking us to lay hands on them and intercede with God for healing.

Thank you, Wooddale family for your sacrifices.

Pastor Dale