Wooddale Church
Wooddale Vlog

Posts by Wooddale Church (Page 6)

Trisha’s Story

There was a time not so long ago when life at home was marked by one traumatic crisis after another. Throughout their childhood, both of our children had been active in church youth groups but somehow, that all fell away when low self-esteem and peer pressure entered the scene. They stopped attending and instead gravitated to fringe groups in school, and were…

Steve’s Story

As a family member of someone with a mental health condition, I’ve often had more questions than answers: When is bad behavior caused by a mental health condition and when is it an expression of a sinful human heart? At what point am I enabling instead of helping? How do I best show patience, grace and compassion? As the Lord helped me…

Vivian’s Story

I struggle daily with chronic depression. Wow, I really just wrote that. I’m still learning to accept this reality. I grew up in a Christian home and my extended family was always active at our church. I’m so grateful for that gift from God and I’m quite certain that’s why I’m still living today. That being said, talking about mental illness or…

enCourage Love – Part 3

He saw past her physical thirst to the deeper issue. His kind did not usually mix with her kind. To be in her neighborhood that day was unusual. Some might even say scandalous. What would people think if they saw him talking with a Samaritan woman? After all, she had a questionable reputation. She had already had five husbands, and the man…

enCourage Love – Part 2

He was a man after God’s own heart. David was a murderer and an adulterer. His life’s resume included both the lowly role of shepherd and the exalted role of Israel’s king. His life was full of highs and lows. He knew what is was to be loved by people and what it was like to hide in a cave wondering what…

enCourage Love – Part 1

The place of exile became the place of revelation. A precious few got to walk with Jesus on earth. They ate with him, served with him, learned from him, laughed with him. It was exhilarating to experience the power released in just a word or touch of his hand; his disciples couldn’t wait to see what happened next. His love for people…