
God’s Amazing Grace

By Melissa Garnett

Have you ever made plans and asked God to bless them?

Most of us can recall a time, likely many times, when we’ve done this.

It is hard to wait on God.

During moments in life when we find ourselves stripped bare of all that is familiar—a job loss, death of a spouse, betrayal by a good friend, separated from loved ones—we can feel like foreigners in a strange land.

The Bible is full of stories of people facing challenges and devastation who had to wait on God for victory. For instance, when the king of Babylon destroyed Jerusalem and there was much evil in the world, Daniel was given visions by God that a day would come when He would send His Savior to conquer all.

By knowing the story of the Bible, we are given context to what is happening in our own lives. What appears senseless has meaning.

We see that God has been demonstrating His faithfulness over and over. He made a covenant promise with Abram in Genesis 15 that was unconditional, and He has been keeping His promises ever since. He sent Jesus into the world with the promise that all we need for eternal salvation is to believe in our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9).

This story is God rescuing humankind from the cruelty of sin and evil, when even the best of us are not able to keep our promises.

As sung in “Amazing Grace,” “through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come.” With God we are never alone, and we can count on His faithfulness.